First of all Praise God for his work in your life during this crazy time that we, together while apart, experience this novel corona virus pandemic. Thank you for your faithfulness, love and kindness. Thank you for praying Kevin well, he is recovering. THANK YOU just Thank you, each of you and our sweet Jesus.
As we prepare to return to Ecuador TODAY!!! Sept. 11, we contemplate these 6 months in ‘exile’. Returning should be just like riding a bike so I ask if riding a bike is the same now as when you first learned? I remember riding a simple bike with a banana seat, then I got to ride one with hand brakes. My grandfather even let me ride his folding bike a couple times. Then a 3 speed added to the adventure and fun even though it was bigger than me. I don’t know about you but the first few times I rode a 10 speed it didn’t go smoothly, the gears crunched, my pant leg got stuck in the gears and I almost forgot to look where I was going. Shifting gears is not always an easy thing.
This has been a challenging time all around the globe and we just better get used to it, make adjustments and glorify God through it all. I like the term “shifting gears” because it describes the process we are discovering, it doesn’t always go smoothly but we better pay attention as the wheels keep moving. God is on the move more than ever and it is thrilling and somewhat terrifying as we maneuver the obstacles to lead others to the real PRIZE. Thank you for all you do.
God has been an amazing provider during these 6 months in ‘exile’. We get to return to a somewhat ‘destabilized’ Ecuador on Sept. 12th.Things and life will not be the same as when we left but we know God goes before us and with us as we search for opportunities to reflect His light. Please continue to pray
- 1. Travel and adjustment
- 2. Those who have held it all together (while apart) at our home. We asked our friends to take care of everything for 8 days and they are still doing it. The Lanchimbas rock!
- 3. Kellyann and Rodrigo with charge of 3 campuses and new DS duties as they figure out how to school and raise 5 kids 7 month -14yrs.
- 4. Daina’s parents as they face health issues for Jim with advanced COPD and cancer.
- 5. Amanda and Eli in MX
- 6. Kevin who tested positive for covid and then spent 5 days in hospital, pray for Esther and James. Not sure when we will be together again and NOT the farewell we planned. James starts kindergarden and Esther still cannot get driver license with Social security offices on limited services.
- 7. Joe and Eulouise W. for inviting us into their life and giving a wonderful place to stay.
May we suggest you go visit a state park near you. We enjoyed many days and miles in north Georgia state parks as we waited out this craziness. Medicine for the weary (and bored) soul.
Time runs fast as we stand still and we are very, very thankful.
4Hisglory, Daina and Tim